Teaser Tuesday And More!

It's Teaser Tuesday! Plus The Official Countdown to the release of WCILY has begun!   

The Monthly Newsletter Is Here! While it will be featured every month on the website, I encourage Everyone to request using the form on the website, and if you turn out to be the 100 person to receive it you will get your choice of bookmark. Sent to you via email in PDF form. You can also use the same form to request a copy of my media kit! (Serious interested parties only!) Please note: that while not specified, I am open to sponsors, reviews, and ambassador, and affilate roles as long as it is releadted to litature or poetry, books in general. Now, without further ado, here is this week's teaser: The Mountain In The Sky. 
 Author note all graphics are made by Jessica herself, using Canva.com

This Week's Teaser
